Introducing the WakeWord-Installer Integration for Home Assistant

· 3 min read
Introducing the WakeWord-Installer Integration for Home Assistant

A while ago, I created the repository home-assistant-wakewords-collection to collect various wake words for Home Assistant enthusiasts. This repository aimed to simplify the process of managing wake words for voice control, making it easier for users to implement and customize their smart home experiences.

Today, I am excited to announce a new development that takes this concept even further: the WakeWord-Installer Integration for Home Assistant. This integration is designed to automate and streamline the management of wake words, ensuring your Home Assistant setup is always up-to-date with the latest wake words from the repository.

🚀 Key Features

  • 🔄 Automatic Updates: The integration periodically checks the specified GitHub repository for new wake words and updates them automatically. No more manual downloading or updating!
  • 📁 Customizable Folder Path: You can specify a subfolder within the repository to narrow down the search for wake words, giving you more control over what gets updated.
  • 🔍 Sensor Status: The integration includes a dedicated sensor to monitor the update status, so you always know when new wake words have been added.
  • 🛠️ Manual Update Service: In addition to automatic updates, you can trigger manual updates through Home Assistant services, providing flexibility and convenience. (WIP)
Some typos still exist..



If you’re using the Home Assistant Community Store (HACS), installation is a breeze:

  1. Ensure HACS is InstalledIf you haven’t installed HACS yet, follow the instructions on the HACS website.
  2. Add Custom Repository
    • Open HACS in your Home Assistant instance.
    • Go to Integrations.
    • Click on the three dots in the top right corner and select Custom repositories.
    • Add the following URL to the repository field: and select Integration as the category.
    • Click Add.
  3. Install the Integration
    • Search for OpenWakeWord Installer in the HACS Integrations section.
    • Click Install.
  4. Restart Home Assistant
    Restart Home Assistant to load the new integration.
  5. Configure the Integration
    • Go to Configuration -> Integrations.
    • Click on the "+" button and search for "OpenWakeWord".
    • Follow the setup instructions to configure the repository URL and optional folder path.

Manual Installation

For those who prefer manual installation:

Download the Integration

Download the openwakeword directory and place it in the custom_components directory within your Home Assistant configuration directory.

└── openwakeword/
    ├── manifest.json
    ├── services.yaml
    └── requirements.txt

Install Dependencies

Ensure the required dependencies are installed by running:

pip install gitpython

Restart Home Assistant
Restart Home Assistant to load the new integration.

Configure the Integration

    • Go to Configuration -> Integrations.
    • Click on the "+" button and search for "OpenWakeWord".
    • Follow the setup instructions to configure the repository URL and optional folder path.


Once installed, configuring the OpenWakeWord integration is straightforward. You need to provide the URL of the GitHub repository containing the wake words. Optionally, you can specify a subfolder within the repository if you want to narrow down the search for wake words.

Join the Community

I hope the OpenWakeWord integration enhances your Home Assistant experience by simplifying the management of wake words. If you have any questions, issues, or suggestions, please join the conversation on our GitHub repository.